Friday, October 15, 2004

K o k o l o g y

Kokology – The Game of Self-Discovery

Kokology\ kõ kõl õ jē\ n [Japanese, kokoro, mind, spirit, feelings + Greel. –logia, the study of] 1. A series of psychological games designed to uncover emotional and behavioral traits of the players 2.A popular term for the interpretation of the hidden meanings of human behavior and situational reponses – kokologist n – kokological adj – kokologize vi.


Okay, so why am I reading this book? Because my friend Indah told me to read it about a month ago.. But I’m not sincerely interested to buy this kind of book (you know.. buku quiz gini lah) Luckily, I can borrow it from my friend’s husband. Yippie..

I just want to quote some of my revealed hidden attitudes / facts:
(dengan kata lain.. niy ceritanya diri gue gini lhooooooo bowww… huhuhu) I don’t say that these are true..

I accept criticism and even outbursts in a positive way, but that’s not to say I take them lightly.

Apparently, 5 is the number of obstacles and crises I see myself as having overcome in my own life so far.

The thing I most want is for my children to grow into unique individuals. I don’t want them to be forced into the cookie-cutter molds of school, work, and society in general.

My Stress level: Close to 100. I feel so much stress in my life that I ignore reality and try to achieve the impossible

This is my favorite part (the one with the key to Into the Depths):

The sound I heard out of the darkness reveal how I got through bad experiences in my past.’ I heard wordless moaning, that means I went through the hard times in my past alone. The moaning I hear in the dark is my own buried pain. Furthermore, I happen to have a history of ignoring problems in the hopes that they’ll just go away. (Hah!)

I feel a little uncertain if an attractive person suddenly asked me out on a date. (tapi pastinya NGEBET ABIS kalo diajak ama F.Coco.. Hahahah)

I am hungry for the same attention and affection I received from my mother as a child. (really??)

I have a natural talent for interpersonal relations. People respect my ability to communicate with others and the way I help bring diverse groups together. Just by being around, I help others work more smoothly and efficiently, making me an invaluable member of any project or team. (jadi bagi yg nge-genk ama gue, gue anaknya asik men! Hahaha Dan bagi…….. should we sign the contract now? hahaha)

I think I have an answer for every accusation, a justification for every fault. To me, an argument may be just a chance to hone your skills at debate.

Sambung nanti lagi ya..

Hey! I gotta work here! Hahaha..


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