Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Lydiette’s News Flash

What’s up with Lydia a.k.a Lydiette nowadays?
I know it’s not the thing you have to know before judgment day
But maybe someone out there want to understand how hard to be Lydiette in this exciting-but-cruel world
Well, I’ll give you some inside scoops:

  • Caught up in 2 exhausting pitch.. in a row! One of them required me to present 7 TVC Storyboards at once in front of foreign BOD members !
  • have daily interesting ramblings with some people
  • Hardly ever gets home before 11 PM on weekdays
  • With one of AE as a partner, landed a 4th place in Office Billiard tournament (Pembenaran: Kita maen 4 kali beturut-turut tanpa berenti.. kan capek bo.. sementara ketemu lawan di semifinal yang dapet bye.. iya lah masih seger.. saaah.. hehehehe)

  • Finally finished Harry Potter Book Five 2 weeks ago after trying to squeeze my reading time in that terrible hours of working. And shame on you people who gave spoilers! Thanks for ruining my long-awaited excitement ! *membalikkan badan seraya mengibaskan rambut dengan cepat…huh!
    Regarding the book itself, hanya satu kata yang muncul setelah membacanya: “Nelongssssooo…” :P
  • But at the flipside, I’ve read PARFAIT TIC volume 13 sans spoiler! THE BEST COMIC I’VE KNOWN since the era of Candy Candy, PopCorn and Miss Modern.
  • Haven’t checked out new flicks recently.. Hiks.. Last movie I’ve seen was GIE! And that was like couple of weeks ago. Desperately want to see the boisterous and pleasant movie from Tim Burton and his muse, Johnny Depp : Charlie and The Chocolate Factory [Updated: I’ve seen it! And luuurrrveee it! ]
  • I just remember that It kinda annoys me if people pronounce Happy Birthday , “Hepi Bersdey”

Hey Stars…

I want to meet you in Vague City
Where I’ll be one step ahead to destiny
To be in touch with you truly

So tired down here
That incurable wound Oh dear..
Can I leave it in a wooden bier?
Waiting for the lightning to be seared

Oh Stars..
Please meet me in Vague City
Let us watch puppeteers and streetcars
Hand in hand making beautiful memoirs…

[Hi]extra money in a week..
[Lo]delicate flashback sushi roll

Monday, August 29, 2005

Inside Out

[on this night.. ]

By Feist [covering a Bee Gees classic.. superbly]

Baby, I can't figure it out your kisses taste like honey
Sweet lies don't gimme no rise oh, for what you're trying to do?
Livin' on your cheatin' and the pain grows inside me
It's enough to leave me crying in the rain
Love you forever but you're driving me insane and I'm hanging on
oh, oh, I'll win, I'll never give in
Our love has got the power
too many lovers in one lifetime ain't good for you
You treat me like a vision in the night
someone there to stand behind you
When your world ain't working right
I ain't no vision, I am the girl who loves you inside and out
backwards and forwards with my heart hanging out
I love no other way
what are we gonna do if we lose that fire?

Wrap myself up and take me home again
too many heartaches in one lifetime ain't good for me
I figure it's the love that keeps you warm
Let this moment be forever
we won't ever feel the storm
I ain't no vision, I am the girl who loves you inside and out
Backwards and forwards with my heart hanging out
I love no other way
What are we gonna do if we lose that fire?

don't try to tell me it's all over
can't hear a word can't hear a line
no girl could love you more
And that's what I'm cryin' for
You can't change the way I feel inside

You are the reason for my laughter and my sorrow
Blow out the candle I will burn again tomorrow

No man on earth can stand
Between my love and I
and no matter how you hurt me I will love you till I die
I ain't no vision, I am the girl…who loves you inside and out
Backwards and forwards with my heart hanging out
I love no other way
What are we gonna do if we lose that fire?

Loves you.. inside and out..
Inside and out..
Inside and out..


Thursday, August 18, 2005

Halusinasi Sesaat


Terus ditimpa kerjaan membludak
Nyampe rumah malem terus..oh tidak!
Lembur berhari-hari
bahkan 17 Agustusan..ke kantor lagi yuk mari…


Berlibur di pinggir laut
Semilir angin menggerakkan rambut
Hawa panas pantai hangat menyambut..


Panas.. rasanya panas nih..
Apakah aku ada di pantai ?
Akhirnya liburan itu sampai?
Wujud impian kembali membelai?


Ternyata bukan pantai
Tapi kantor AC-nya mati!
Karena Listrik padam se-Jawa Bali


[Hi] side-by-side on unexpected joyride
[Lo] having an emotionally disturbing dream last night

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Dilema itu...

Hari sudah pagi
Aku tersadar sendiri
Lelah sekali malam tadi
Tak sempat berpikir lagi
Harus bagaimana hari ini

Biar air basahkan
Wajah ngantuk kesepian
Ah.. kembali dihentakkan
pilihan di persimpangan

Bingung.. sungguh bingung
Waktu terus mendengung
Resah terus menggulung
Serasa balap karung

Kusingkap daunnya
kulihat mereka
kutatap bergantian
Pilih dia atau dia?

Harus cepat
Harus singkat
Pilih dia atau dia?

Waktu mengetuk pintu
Detak jantung menderu
Pilih dia atau dia?

Ini dan itu

saling ku padu

Hey cermin!
Lihat padaku

Tak disangka
Tak dinyana
last minute preparation
bisa keren siap action

terpecahkan sudah
masalah berbusana
'tampil' ke kantor wajib hukumnya

Then I say
I survive from saltum day

*ha.. ha... ha... ha....

[hi] kindly interested stroking some more
[lo]never ending carnage in the office