Friday, December 31, 2004

On the last day...

As we close the chapter of 2004, here's a good thought..

-- Never let a bleak past overshadow a bright future --

Happy New Year !

My deepest sympathy to people affected by the Tsunami especially in Aceh

Sunday, December 26, 2004

Merry Christmas Everyone !

From both of us

Between 2 choices

Di setiap masa kehidupan manusia, pasti pernah dihadapkan dengan dua pilihan.

Putih atau Hitam ?

Masuk IPA atau IPS? (eh sistem penjurusan SMA kayak gimana ya skrg, they change so often)

Si dia atau dirinya?

Coffee or tea?

Teruskan atau berhenti?

Terima atau tolak?

Kiri atau kanan?

Clear atau Head & Shoulders? *oopss.. hehehe*

Dan berpuluh-puluh pertanyaan lainnya pernah mampir di benak kita. Salah satunya sedang mengacaukan pikiran gue. Gue sedang berada di persimpangan yang mengharuskan gue mengambil keputusan secepatnya. It could change my life forever.. atau ini cuman segelintir tes kecil untuk jadi Lydia yang lebih baik di ujian yang lebih besar.

Gue harus memilih di agency mana gue mau berlabuh..
SATU adalah agency dimana gue sudah bercokol selama 4 bulan, namun tanpa status yang jelas. DUA adalah agency yang baru saja (sepertinya) menerima gue..

Lho? Simple aja tokh? Tinggal pilih yang ke dua, tokh di satu statusnya tak jelas.

Well, not so fast my dear friend (or whoever you are)..

Semesta nampaknya tidak menjadikan satu fase kehidupan kita mudah dilewati begitu saja. Harus ada intriknya, semriwingnya, gundah gulananya, keruwetannya, dilemanya atau apanya yang membuat kita belajar lagi, menjadikan kita lebih pintar lagi dalam menghadapi hidup serta pilihan-pilihan lainnya.

Dan kali ini masalahnya adalah.. Sang SATU ternyata telah memiliki rencana untuk memperjelas status gue. Walaupun belum sampai ke pihak lainnya yang juga berwenang (baca:kepala pengurus sumber daya manusia :P), tapi sang boss memastikan bahwa dia akan memberikan posisi yang selama ini gue inginkan. Bayangkan.. kenapa pintu yang selama ini gue coba buka baru terbuka ketika gue sudah di ambang pintu lain?

Tadinya gue pikir perpindahan ke DUA akan mulus-mulus saja, paling disertai perasaan berat meninggalkan lingkungan SATU yang selama ini gue diami. Ehh.. berubah menjadi kebingungan.

Sekarang gue menarik langkah mundur dari pintu yang ke dua. Dan berdiri di tengah-tengah, memandang kedua pintu yang terbuka (walau satu masih setengah terbuka), sambil celingak celinguk mengamatinya secara bergantian.

Kemudian muncullah segala perdebatan pro dan kontra itu. Sebuah list sudah tersusun di komputer gue, mengenai positif dan negatifnya masing-masing pilihan.

Setiap orang yang gue temui, gue interogasi.. gue cekokin mereka dengan sederet pertanyaan..
Minta saran, petuah, sudut pandang lain, petunjuk, nasehat, atau apa pun yang bisa mempermudah pengambilan keputusan ini.
*please.. help me.. * mungkin tergambar jelas di muka gue saat ini..

Sebelum keputusan itu muncul

Selama masih bingung

Yang ada hanya pertanyaan bodoh itu lagi:
WHY? KENAPA? Kenapa harus ada 2 pilihan sulit?

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Happy Mother's Day !

To ALL mothers in Indonesia..

See KOMPAS Dec 22nd 2004 (today) Page 21. *wink2*

semoga tak ada lagi anak durhaka di muka bumi ini.. huhuhuhu

Exclusively for My Mom and Mamati.. :)

Monday, December 20, 2004

Tried by Fire

I just want to share what I read from ‘Our Daily Bread’, it has a great meaning . Please just take your time to read it.. I’m definitely sure that all of us has been in bad situations, and it takes a lot of guts to make a remarkable comebacks.

You, O God, have tested us; You have refined us as silver is refined.
—Psalm 66:10

The main end of life is not to do but to become," F. B. Meyer said. And for this we are being prepared every day. As silver is refined by fire, the heart is often refined in the furnace of sadness. The psalmist said in his sorrow, "We went through fire" (Psalm 66:12).

The refining process may be very painful, but it will not destroy us, for the Refiner sits by the furnace tending the flame. He will not allow us to be tried beyond our endurance; it is for our good.

We may not understand why we have to endure such misery year after year. The ordeal seems endless and pointless. Our days are wasted, or so it appears. We feel as if we are doing nothing of lasting significance.
But God is doing what matters—we are being refined. He is placing us into a crucible in which we acquire patience, meekness, humility, compassion, and the other "quiet" virtues our souls naturally lack.

So don't be afraid and don't fret. Your present trial, as painful as it may be, has been screened through God's wisdom and love. The Refiner sits beside the crucible tempering the flames, monitoring the process, waiting patiently until His face is mirrored in the surface. —David Roper

"As thy day thy strength shall be!"This should be
enough for thee;
He who knows thy frame will spare.Burdens more than thou canst


The fires of testing can produce a shining testimony.

Sunday, December 12, 2004

Christmas time

Finally, I finished decorating the christmas tree at my house..

here's the pic

What do you think?

In front of my house.. I put this big
lighted christmas wreath

I hope this christmas will bring a lot of joy..
Because these past couple of months, too many painful and wretched things had happened to me..

I miss being cheerful and happy..

Huhuhu postingan gue banyak yg bikin depresi ga siy?? hahaha

Sunday, December 05, 2004

a little something

Hmm.. lama juga ga ketemu teman-teman gue ini

'still workaholic', 'workaholic in the making', 'workaholic ga jadi2'
(alias mobilitas kariernya yang terbilang cukup tinggi.. hehehe.. ya tak Cong?)

Pose berikut adalah bentuk ketidakkreatifan dari foto pertama. Hehehe..

Ayo berteman..

/me membuka pintu pertemanan sebanyak-banyaknya :P

Loket tanda pendaftaran dibuka *SReek!*

Heaven on a Sunday

Quote of the day:

No matter how bad our problem is, if we can perceive it with our soul (not with our ‘body’) .. then we’ll realize that God is working for the best of us.

If God brings you to it, God will bring you through it.

*somewhat religious here